#!ipxe #### pxe.troplo.com initial loader #### #### see https://netboot.xyz for more information #### set conn_type https chain --autofree https://pxe.troplo.com/menu.ipxe || echo HTTPS failed... attempting HTTP... set conn_type http chain --autofree http://pxe.troplo.com/menu.ipxe || echo HTTP failed, localbooting... exit pxe.troplo.com BootLoaders - Powered by netboot.xyz
                _                   _                           
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|_|                          |_|                                

Version: 2.x
Powered by netboot.xyz

x86_64 Legacy (PCBIOS) iPXE Bootloaders

Type Bootloader Description
Kernel pxe.troplo.com.lkrn Used for booting from GRUB/EXTLINUX
Floppy pxe.troplo.com.dsk Virtual floppy disk for DRAC/iLO, VMware, Virtual Box, etc
Floppy pxe.troplo.com.pdsk Padded Virtual floppy disk for DRAC/iLO, VMware, Virtual Box, etc
DHCP pxe.troplo.com.kpxe DHCP boot image file, uses built-in iPXE NIC drivers
DHCP-undionly pxe.troplo.com-undionly.kpxe DHCP boot image file, use if you have NIC issues

x86_64 UEFI iPXE Bootloaders

Type Bootloader Description
DHCP pxe.troplo.com.efi DHCP EFI boot image file, uses built-in iPXE NIC drivers
DHCP-snp pxe.troplo.com-snp.efi EFI w/ Simple Network Protocol, attempts to boot all net devices
DHCP-snponly pxe.troplo.com-snponly.efi EFI w/ Simple Network Protocol, only boots from device chained from


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